The Strathcona Nordic Ski Club is a non-for profit organization dedicated to providing programs for all ages and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. The success of the club is dependent on our excellent volunteers who share their time and varied talents. There are many ways to get involved with the club from joining the Board of Directors to coaching or helping with special events and races. Every little bit helps!

SNSC requires families of Skill Development Program (Bunnies, Jackrabbits) registrants as well as Devo and Junior registrants to complete volunteer hours. For more information please refer to the club Volunteer Policy. Volunteer signups are available for general club activities, the Skill Development Program, and Devo/Junior activities. Details on some key volunteer positions are provided below.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who oversee the programing and running of the club. The board meets for 2-3 hours once a month. For more information or to get involved contact us.

Skill Development Program

Our Bunnyrabbit and Jackrabbit programs are the core of our club. These fun programs introduce and foster a love of skiing in our children. They could not run without our energetic volunteer coaches and support crew. Contact the Rabbit Coordinator for details on how to get involved.


Coaching is a great way to get involved and improve your own skiing skills. Our coaches are NCCP certified and the club provides coach training to interested members. Coaches are needed annually for Jackrabbits, Learn To Ski, School Programs and Masters Recreation. Contact us for more info.



We need volunteer officials to plan and run our races each year. Typically we have a Coast Cup and Loppet each year, along with smaller club races.  Every second year we have a BC Winter Games Trial for Zone 6. To volunteer or find out what is involved in being an official, contact:


We can always use help spreading the word about our great programs and all things Nordic for our ski club. Communication tasks are as follows:

  • photographers

  • maintaining a photo database

  • writing newsletters

  • social media butterflies (in various areas of the club)

  • maintaining the club board at Raven Lodge

  • writing newspaper press releases

To help out with any of these areas, please contact


There are many ways to help with fund development through fundraising activities, grants, donations and sponsorship. In addition to club-wide fundraising efforts, SNSC has event and program specific fund development opportunities.

For more information about how to help Strathcona Nordic Ski Club with fundraising please see the Fundraising page.